Saturday, July 27, 2024 08:11
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Family Video Collage

Posted by admin

Now is the time to think about projects you want to get done before the holiday season. A project that has been lingering in my mind is transferring all those old VHS family videos into DVD’s or in my case quick time version to edit the videos.

I honestly can’t wait for this project to be completed. Here are a few steps you can take.

1) Collect all VHS Tapes – Collect all the ones you have and any your uncles, aunts, cousins have nested somewhere.

2) Find a company that transfers VHS to DVD’s or to Quick Times files (so you can edit the videos). Make at least two copies of each video. Luckily we do that here at Advanced Media. Here is the link for more detailed info click here.

3) Edit your videos – If you don’t know how to edit and need an editor click here or edit the video yourself. Take the best and funniest or most memorable clips you have in your collection and make a edited video of them. It’s ideal to edit out the dull parts or moments you would rather forget. 🙂

4) Add music or any sound effects – Doing this will help make your edited video more funnier and memorable.

5) Make extra copies of finished edited video – Keep in mind your family members will probably want this video for there DVD collection. So make extra.

6) Share! – Gather your family and view your video.

This project will take some time but it will be well worth your time and efforts.  Keep the pace throughout the months so when Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever holiday you celebrate comes you’ll be ready!

Please share if you have done this already or if you have any ideas or comments. I will love to hear them!

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