DVD Services
One of our longtime core components at Advanced Media is in DVD services. Even today, in the age of rapid digital file-based and hard drive storage technology, there is still no fastest, easiest, more efficient and cost effective way to share and distribute content in a tangible and relatively safe and qualitative way. The DVD market is still a strong market, and here at Advanced Media, we are focused on keeping it running in full speed ahead.
We provide complete DVD services, including authoring, menu design, high-quality encoding, duplication, replication, shipping and logistics.
Click here to learn more about our DVD services.
Advanced Media is proud to announce that we support Blu-ray needs for our customers and clients. With complete broadcast-quality post-production gear at our disposal, we are capable of providing authoring, encoding and creation of Blu-ray, as well as up converting and re-purposing of content into high-definition and Blu-ray.
We also provide Blu-ray in 3D.
Click here to learn more about blu-ray services.
As much as we endorse and support tangible type media storage, such as broadcast tape and DVD, we know that we live in a digital world of intangible and virtual media and content. Today, the need for digital services is bigger than ever, serving many different needs from private use, commercial, legal, educational and much more.
We provide all necessary digital services to enable our customers and clients to address their ever-growing needs: digitizing, encoding, internet upload, large file rapid internet-transfer, watermarking, signage, conversion, up conversion and restoration.
Click here to learn more about our digital services.
Since the world is moving rapidly towards digital intangible media, predominantly files, whether stored on local storage device or a remote secure network, we are face the imminent risk of data loss. In many cases, data loss recovery is very expensive, and in many cases – futile. We believe that just like any other insurance strategy, ensuring that your valuable and critical media is protected and backed up should be an integral part of the entire media strategy.
We provide a range of backup and protection services, including drive backup and cloning, tape-based backup (LTO), climate-controlled vaulting and broadcast-tape or optical media creation.
Click here to learn more about all our backup & protection options.